在一个融合东西方文化(旧金山+东京)的虚构大都市旧京山(San Fransokyo)中,一位精通机器人技术的小神童阿宏发现,这座充斥高新技术的城市正遭遇着一场犯罪危机。
In San Fransokyo, a fictional metropolis that integrates East and West cultures (San Francisco + Tokyo), Ahong, a prodigy expert in robotics, finds that this high-tech city is facing a crime crisis.
In order to break down the plot to save its home, he will bring his partner robots to the fore and join the gang. The hard rookie rookie team formed a union of "super Marine Corps" to fight against evil.
《超能陆战队》(Big Hero 6)是迪士尼与漫威联合出品的第一部动画电影,取材于由Steven T. Seagle和Duncan Rouleau在1998年开始连载的以日本为背景的动作科幻类漫画。
“Big Hero 6"is the Disney and the combined production of the first animation film, on November 7, 2014, in the form of 3 d release in North America.Domestic final on February 28, 2015 in the mainland.
”Big Hero 6"focuses on inflatable robot to light and prodigy hom novice friend together to form a superhero team, common crime story plot.
On February 23, 2015, the film won the 87th Oscar award for "best animated feature".
《超能陆战队》是迪士尼与漫威联合出品的第一部动画电影,于2014年11月7日以3D形式在北美上映。 国内公映版于2015年2月28日在内地上映。