select 工资 from 工资表 where 工资>(select AVG(工资) form 工资表 where 部门='部门') and 部门='部门';select 职员 from 工资表 where 工资>(select AVG(工资) form 工资表 where 部门='部门') and 部门='部门';select 职员,工资 from 工资表 where 工资>(select AVG(工资) form 工资表 where 部门='部门') 部门='部门';MySQL
select salary from salary where salary>(select AVG(salary) from salary where department='1') and department='1';select `name` from salary where salary>(select AVG(salary) from salary where department='1') and department='1';select `name`,salary from salary where salary>(select AVG(salary) from salary where department='1') and department='1';