
2025-03-23 16:39:50


  小姑娘多萝茜和叔叔亨瑞、婶婶埃姆住在堪萨斯州的一个中部农场里。为了不让自己心爱的小狗“托托”因追咬多尔茜阿姨的爱猫而被警察带走,多萝茜决定带着“托托” 暂时离开叔叔和婶婶。可还没等走出农场,多萝茜就在一位叫玛威尔教授的劝说下回到了农场。就在这时,农场突然遭到一股强龙卷风的袭击,叔叔、婶婶和其他的人们都躲进旋风地洞后,可怜的多萝茜被龙卷风连同叔叔的木头房子一起抛向了空中。

  Good girl Dorothy is a tornado blew a strange and wonderful country - Oz, and lost his way home. There, she gradually became acquainted with the scarecrow without brains, no heart is the Cowardly Lion and the metal they wish to achieve their own and help each other, work collaboration, passing through numerous, encountered many strange things. Eventually, they with their extraordinary intelligence and perseverance, have got his wish to fulfill their wish.
  The little girl Dorothy and Uncle Henry, Aunt Em in Kansas, a central farm. To keep his beloved dog, "Toto" by chasing the cat bite Duo Erqian aunt were taken away by police, and Dorothy decided to take "Toto" temporarily left his uncle and aunt. Can not wait out of the farm, and Dorothy in a professor called Ma Weier persuaded back to the farm. At this point, the farm was an abrupt strong hurricane, uncle, aunt and other people to hide in the hole after the cyclone, tornado, together with poor Dorothy is the wooden house with his uncle threw the air.
  Tornado stops, such as Dorothy out of the wooden house, she has been out at a place called Oz dwarf kingdom. When the wooden house just fall damage killed the Witch of the East dwarves States, and Dorothy in the dwarf country received a warm welcome and respect for pet treatment. To this end, Dorothy also received the treasures of the East Witch - a pair of silver shoes. Made in Dorothy to go back to his uncle, aunt around, the people of the country beloved by dwarves Gan Lin, a witch back to her guidance towards the Emerald City, Oz magician for help to find the road.
  Go in the Emerald City along the yellow brick road, Dorothy and the Scarecrow did not mind, no heart and no courage and daring of iron lion became good friends. In order to achieve their hearts desire, four people together before the trip. Arrived in the Emerald City in the final and beat the sister of the East Witch of the West, after witch, Oz to the Scarecrow will be counted to see a head, found himself the Tin Man had a healthy heart, the courage to become the Lions regained the animals king, but he can not achieve the aspirations of Dorothy, but Dorothy's magic shoes in silver help, returned to the Kansas farm, back to the uncle, aunt's side.