2015-10-30 12:44
代收货款部, 妥投, Delivered
2015-10-30 10:47
出门投递, Departed Airline Terminal or Carriers CFS/Warehouse For Final Delivery (Out for delivery)
2015-10-27 13:51
长沙市, 邮件离开,前往下一站点, Shipment to leave, to the next spot
2015-10-27 13:07
长沙市, 邮件到达,进行下一步处理, The shipment arrived, into the next phase of processing
2015-10-24 19:48
成都集散站点, 邮件离开,前往下一站点, Shipment to leave, to the next spot
2015-10-24 19:27
成都集散站点, 邮件到达,进行下一步处理, The shipment arrived, into the next phase of processing
2015-10-24 17:19
成都市邮政速递物流有限公司苹果项目组, 邮件离开,前往下一站点, Shipment to leave, to the next spot
2015-10-24 17:10
成都市邮政速递物流有限公司苹果项目组, 揽收, Pick Up
2015-10-23 12:54