>> t=[2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011];
>> y13=[53.01 -97.13 -212.12 -200.72 -114.48 70.34 -226.68];
>> cftool
Linear model Poly5:
f(x) = p1*x^5 + p2*x^4 + p3*x^3 + p4*x^2 + p5*x + p6
where x is normalized by mean 2008 and std 2.16
Coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds):
p1 = -90.44 (-764.5, 583.6)
p2 = -153.8 (-537.9, 230.3)
p3 = 73.54 (-1631, 1778)
p4 = 366.2 (-444.3, 1177)
p5 = 93.86 (-783, 970.7)
p6 = -220.1 (-502.7, 62.38)
Goodness of fit:
SSE: 871.8
R-square: 0.9905
Adjusted R-square: 0.9427
RMSE: 29.53