
2024-11-16 17:40:17

是霸王别姬 。 你听的是张国荣版本的啊。 我也是个荣迷 哦。 这首歌实在太经典了。 虽然不是哥哥原唱。 但是 是他把这首歌唱红的。 感谢哥哥。 给你这个京剧 的介绍 “力拔山兮气盖世,时不利兮骓(zhuī)不逝;骓不逝兮可奈何,虞兮虞兮奈若何。”这首《垓gai下歌》是楚霸王项羽(前232年-前202年)被刘邦逼到垓(gāi)下时,与宠妃虞姬所唱的曲。一曲既罢,虞姬自刎而死,项羽则率精锐突围,但仍被逼困在乌江,最后只留下“纵江东父兄怜而王(wang,第四声,意动用法,以....为王)我,我何面目见之?”后也自刎身亡。项羽与虞姬最后的诀别,就这么成了传唱千古的凄美绝响。


听了很多次里面的英文~在google里面找了很久,还是给你找到了~ 是DJ Shah的who will find me 下面是下载的地址~ http://sites.google.com/site/winsonmiw/index/wefm.mp3 歌词: DJ Shah - In a world of desire, oh who would come and catch you when you fall in the wind and the fire? oh who would come to save you? High above any danger Locked inside the tower of your mind, dreams are veiled; passion blinded. Safe from fear and fire. Oh who will find me? In your midnight eyes, I see a summer sunrise. Fly far beyond these silver winter skies. I see a beautiful life. Oh, come and get away. Do you see the horizon? Walk upon the water, you will find all is still and yet alive in the morning light. Oh who will find me? In your midnight eyes, I see a summer sunrise. Fly far beyond these silver winter skies. I see a beautiful life. Oh, come and get away. Dance dance in the morning light. Open your darkened eyes. Hey, hey, it's a beautiful day. It'll be ok. It'll be ok. Take a look, spin around, this is where I find you where the roses bloom. Leave your cares, leave your fears, leave them all behind you yeayah. It's a beautiful day in the city of shining light. It's a beautiful day. This is where I find you??? yeah yeah Oh who will find me? In your midnight eyes, I see a summer sunrise. Come and get away.