Chinese overseas students - the other effect on the world from China
标题:中国留学生 - 中国全球影响力的另一面
Nowdays, more and more Chinese students choose their future education in foreign countries. From elementary school to the colleges, from North America to Europe, from Tokyo to Seoul, the Chinese overseas students' footsteps travel all over the world.
By comparison with the old Chinese overseas students, the modern ones have new philosophy, world view and values. They are apt to adapt themselves to the new things; they are more creative and imaginative, and they can treat the Western society with more reason than their last generation. As the largest overseas students' group, they have become a symbol of the effect on the world from China. They not only accept the Western culture but also communicate Chinese culture.
The 21st century is the time of China Power. China has been increasing its strength and the people have been becoming more wealthier since Reform and Opening in 1978. Seeing the world, Chinese students will have more choices for their future.